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Nene Valley 10m

Alistair Cooke reports:

I shouldn't have been too surprised to find I was the lone Striders entrant in the Nene Valley 10 in Peterborough on Sunday, as the temperature was -2C when I left Linton at 8.30am. Although once I managed to slip and slide the Audi to Peebo, I was surprised to see approx 300 brave and hearty souls had also risked it by making it to the start line.

The course was essentially a two lap circuit of the inner streets of Bretton, which unfortunately meant a lot of pathways that were untreated and unable to bask in any of the just-about-tepid-sunshine. So it all made for an intersting little run, because at times I felt a bit like Torvill and Dean as I tried to keep upright, and then there were times where I could bearly see hazards the ahead due to the sun being just above eye level, and I honestly thought I was chasing dark ghostly shadows for the large part.

However that all said, I had a great run, set a PB, (althought it was my first ever official 10 mile race - so I think John H says it can't be a PB) - but I crossed the line in 1h 21m and 37seconds.

A well organised event - welcome drink station at 5 miles just as long as you liked "ice" cold water ;-)