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Three Shires Fell Race 13m 4000ft ascent

18 September 2010

Steve White reports:

The Three Shires fell race is one of the Lakeland Classic series, and probably the easiest of the series (everything is relative).

The race starts in Little Langdale with a run through the River Brathay, which was riding waist high in parts after recent heavy rain, followed by a long tiring climb up Wetherlam. This was quickly followed by the ascent of Swirl How, then a lovely run round the side of Great Carrs and along Wet Side Edge, before the fast descent to the Three Shire Stone (the point where the historic counties of Lancashire, Cumbria and Westmorland met). Next comes a steady climb up Pike of Blisco, with a long run down to Blea Tarn with a variety of route options.

The last climb was the straightforward ascent of Lingmoor Fell (assuming unlike me you had some energy left), followed by return to Little Langdale.

This race has a great relaxed atmosphere, and the free pasties served at the Three Shires Inn were very popular with all the runners.